the olive tree blowing in the wind
We had a lazy breakfast, I'm enjoying Lizelle's homemade meusli which I am eating every morning while my tub of greek yoghurt lasts, then I have to go back to eggs, not mad about eggs every day. So I think I will buy the ingredients the next time the family goes into town and try and make it myself, the first time I made it back home it wasn't a great success, but Lizelle's recipe is great so I may learn the secret this time.
Blackie none the worse for wear after her buck chasing episode
Kevin told me that it takes a week to dig a hole in the hard karroo soil, Lizelle and I dug 9 holes this morning, no let me be honest and say 8 and a half, so clearly Kevin must be doing things in a very Pommie like way. We planted the 9 grape vines, future wine hopefully, after taking out some monstrous rocks with, admittedly, some back breaking digging, hoeing and pick axeing. Kept us warm in the windy and chilly day. The dogs were playing with the ball and ended up fighting with each other, again, I tried separating them and got bitten in the process. I had to be doctored with some calendula. I think the ball throwing exercise has to stop as the two different sets of dogs can't seem to agree on the rules.
Jos and pep starting to settle in a bit more
Lizelle took me up to a spot on the farm that is quite sheltered, has some nice views of sunrises and sunsets, sits near the dam and has no neighbours that would be bothersome, we are trying to find a spot I might be happy on so I can live here for a year or two as a communal addition to the family to serve as a benefit to both of us.
future wine
bloody great rocks we removed
I will build a house and a small autonomous garden, add some fruit trees, be independent but also add my labour to the efforts at main farm and help to establish the campsite, the cottage, the expansion of the gardens and orchards and whatever other project rears it's head over time. The lessons for me will aid me well once I can afford to find my own piece of land and I should save myself years of wasted energy by learning from what Kevin and Lizelle have already learnt in the 2-3 years that they have been farming here.
The biggest benefit would be not making as many mistakes as I probably would do going straight onto my own place, assuming such a likelihood should occur sometime soon, plus I can stop stressing about where to live in he meantime, anyway the spot looks great, it has a good feel to it, not quite what I want but I'll go and spend some quality time there where I can do some meditation and see if it talks to me. Also need to be here for awhile longer and see what the dynamics are once the honeymoon period is over.
Spotty after her exhausting morning
The dogs were walking with us while we tramped around until the collies took off after something in the bushes which turned out to be a steenbok, the dogs came off worse for wear I think. Blackie went back to the farmhouse with what seemed to be a kick in the face and Spotty was so exhausted she spent the rest of the day out for the count. They did wake up long enough to enjoy the last of the bones we bought them a few days ago.
I complained about my uncomfortable room so Lizelle went off and found me a lovely armchair, it needs cleaning, sanding down, sealing and a cushion, but is otherwise perfect for a comfortable read. I wonder what else I can complain about, it seems to get results.
We're in for a cold night, I did watch the first episode of LOST and found it boring and of no interest, so I had thought I would have a 6 series show to get stuck into, but unfortunately not so will have to find something else that interests me, hard to find something that can compare to The Big Bang Theory. Will have to cuddle up tonight with something in my list of movies, maybe an early James Bond.
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